



发布时间:2020-09-16 发布者: 查看次数:

  李复达男,1990年生,湖南洞口人,中共党员,讲师,管理学博士,硕士生导师,必赢线路检测中心会计系党支部书记,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心评审专家,中国管理学研究国际学会(IACMR)会员,中博联智库特聘专家。主要研究方向为企业数字化转型、组织与员工绩效、AI与员工行为等。已在Nursing Ethics,Journal of Nursing ResearchPsychology Research and Behavior Management等SCI、SSCI国际权威学术期刊发表论文20余篇,同时担任多家SCI、SSCI期刊匿名的审稿专家。









2020.08-2024.12,必赢线路检测中心 讲师


[1] Li F, Zhong J, He Z. Moral distress, moral resilience, and job embeddedness among pediatric nurses[J]. Nursing Ethics, 2024,314:584-596.SCI&SSCI中科院一区TOP

[2] Li F, Zhou Y, Kuang P. Thriving at work, career calling, and moral distress among nurses[J]. Nursing Ethics, 2023,315:919-929.SCI&SSCI中科院一区TOP

[3] Li F, Tan B, Qin C, et al. When Does Overqualification Affect Bootlegging Positively?[J]. Psychology research and behavior management, 2022,15:3845-3859.SSCI一区

[4] Li F, Liu S, Zhang F, et al. Moderating effects of self-efficacy and time pressure on the relationship between employee aging and work performance[J]. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 2022,15:1043-1054. SSCI一区

[5] Li F, Tan B, Zhou L, et al. When Does Abusive Supervision Affect Job Performance Positively?[J]. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 2022,15:425-440.SSCI 一区)

[6] Li F, Liu S, Huang H, et al. Impact of Occupational risks of Medical Staff on Willingness to Occupational Mobility in COVID-19 pandemic[J]. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 2022,15:685-702. SCI&SSCI 二区.

[7] Zhao S, Li F*. Correlation Among Temporal Social Comparison, Development Motivation, and Intelligence Knowledge Sharing in Nursing Staff: A Cross-Sectional Study in China[J]. Journal of Nursing Research, 2025.SCI&SSCI 一区)Forthcoming

[8] Ke Y, Li F*. Moral disengagement, moral identity, and counterproductive work behavior among emergency nurses.[J]. Nursing Ethics, 2024:1538493120.SCI&SSCI 中科院一区TOP

[9] Huang H, Li F*. Innovation climate, knowledge management, and innovative work behavior in small software companies[J]. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 2021,494:1-17. SSCI 四区)

[10] Huang H, Li F, Jiang Y. Connor Davidson resilience scores, perceived organizational support and workplace violence among emergency nurses.[J]. International Emergency Nursing, 2024,75:101489.SCI&SSCI 二区)

[11] Huang H, Li F, Huangfu Y. How time pressure affects promotive and prohibitive voice of emergency nurse: A cross-sectional study[J]. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 2024:1-9. SSCI 三区)

[12] Zhang J, Li F, Xiang K. Exploring the Mechanisms of Well-Being Occurrence Among Event Tourists: Mixed Empirical Evidence from Positive Psychology[J]. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 202316:2581-2597.SSCI一区)







1、 2013年兰州大学研究生二等奖学金

2、 2015年兰州大学研究生一等奖学金

3、 2016年兰州大学三好研究生

4、 中国法律职业资格证(A)

5、 2023年必赢线路检测中心优秀党务工作者

6、 2023年湖南省研究生MPAcc企业案例大赛优秀指导教师(一等奖)

7、 2023年必赢线路检测中心教学优秀奖


[1] 第十届(2020年)中国管理学年会—危机时代的治理与管理创新,2020年11月6-8日,中国,成都,四川大学。(Can the Knowledge Sharing of Internet SMEs Improve Knowledge Management? Evidence from China. The 15th Chinese Academy of Management Annual Conference, November 6-8, 2020, Chengdu, China.)

[2] 湖南省技术经济与管理现代化研究会2021年会暨数字经济与湖南“三高四新”建设研讨会优秀论文三等奖。(信息技术背景下员工老龄化负面影响的缓解机制研究)